Nand2Tetris Chapter8

2022. 10. 21. 23:13Computer Science/CPU

Nand2Tetris :


Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)

히브리대학교에서 제공합니다. What you’ll achieve: In this project-centered course* you will build a modern computer system, from the ground up. We’ll divide ... 무료로 등록하십시오.

Chapter 8

Virtual Machine 2: Program Control

Chapter 8에서는 VM-on-Hack translator를 제작한다(함수, 조건 기능). 나는 Python을 이용하여 제작했다

import argparse
from asyncore import write
from glob import glob
import os
from msilib.schema import Directory
from symtable import SymbolTable
from textwrap import fill

vmFileList = []
targetDirectory = ''
inputFileName = '' + '.vm'
outputFileName = '' + '.asm'



ARITHMETIC_LOGICAL_CAMMANDS = ['add','sub','neg','eq','gt','lt','and','or','not']

# parses each VM command into its lexical elements
class Parser :
    def __init__(self) :
        global targetDirectory
        global inputFileName

        self.line = ''      # 현재의 line
        self.type = 0       # line의 종류 (in COMMANDTYPE)
        self.arg1 = ''      # 파라미터1 (연산자의 유형 / 메모리 종류)
        self.arg2 = 0       # 파라미터2 (메모리 위치)
        self.f = open(targetDirectory + '/' + inputFileName, 'r')

    def __del__(self) :

    def readOneLine(self, codewriter) :
        tmpLine = self.f.readline()
        if not tmpLine :
            return -1

        tmpLine = tmpLine.split('/', maxsplit=1)    # 주석제거
        if len(tmpLine) == 2 :
            codewriter.f.write('// /' + tmpLine[1])
        tmpLine = tmpLine[0]
        tmpLine = tmpLine.strip()                      # 앞 뒤 공백 제거
        if len(tmpLine) == 0 :                         # 빈 문자열 제거
            return self.readOneLine(codewriter)
        print(tmpLine)                                  # line 출력
        self.line = tmpLine                         
        return 0             

    def parser(self, codewriter) :
        if self.readOneLine(codewriter) == -1:
            return -1

        lineDetail = self.line.split(' ', maxsplit=3)
        if lineDetail[0] in ARITHMETIC_LOGICAL_CAMMANDS :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_ARITHMETIC']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[0]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'push' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
            self.arg2 = lineDetail[2]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'pop' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_POP']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
            self.arg2 = lineDetail[2]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'label' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_LABEL']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'goto' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_GOTO']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'if-goto' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_IF']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'function' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_FUNCTION']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
            self.arg2 = lineDetail[2]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'call' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_CALL']
            self.arg1 = lineDetail[1]
            self.arg2 = lineDetail[2]
        elif lineDetail[0] == 'return' :
            self.type = COMMANDTYPE['C_RETURN']


# writes the assembly code that implements the parsed command 
class CodeWriter :
    def __init__(self) :
        self.BASEADDTABLE = {
        self.setBranchIndex = 0
        self.returnAddressIndex = 1
        self.f = open(targetDirectory + '/' + outputFileName, 'w')

    def __del__(self) :

    def writeArithmetic(self, command) :

        hackCode = f"// {command}\n"

        if command == 'neg' or command == 'not':
            hackCode += f'@SP\n'
            hackCode += f'A=M-1\n'
            if command == 'neg' :
                hackCode += f'M=-M\n'
            elif command == 'not' :
                hackCode += f'M=!M\n'

        else :
            hackCode += f'@SP\n'    
            hackCode += f'A=M-1\n'  
            hackCode += f'D=M\n'      
            hackCode += f'A=A-1\n' 

            if command == 'add' :   
                hackCode += f'M=D+M\n'
            elif command == 'sub' :
                hackCode += f'M=M-D\n'
            elif command == 'and' :
                hackCode += f'M=D&M\n'
            elif command == 'or' :
                hackCode += f'M=D|M\n'
            else :
                hackCode += f'D=M-D\n'
                hackCode += f'@SETTRUE{self.setBranchIndex}\n'
                if command == 'eq' :
                    hackCode += f'D;JEQ\n'
                elif command == 'gt' :
                    hackCode += f'D;JGT\n'
                elif command == 'lt' :
                    hackCode += f'D;JLT\n'
                hackCode += f'@SP\n'
                hackCode += f'A=M-1\n'
                hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
                hackCode += f'M=0\n'
                hackCode += f'@END{self.setBranchIndex}\n'
                hackCode += f'0;JMP\n'
                hackCode += f'(SETTRUE{self.setBranchIndex})\n'
                hackCode += f'@SP\n'
                hackCode += f'A=M-1\n'
                hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
                hackCode += f'M=-1\n'
                hackCode += f'@END{self.setBranchIndex}\n'
                hackCode += f'0;JMP\n'
                hackCode += f'(END{self.setBranchIndex})\n'
                self.setBranchIndex += 1

            hackCode += f'@SP\n'
            hackCode += f'M=M-1\n'

    def writePushPop(self, commandType, segment, index) :

        if commandType == COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'] :
            hackCode = f'// get {segment} {index}\n'
            if segment == 'constant' :                  # constant
                hackCode += f'@{str(index)}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n'
            elif segment in self.BASEADDTABLE.keys() :  # local, argument, this, that
                hackCode += f'@{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
                hackCode += f'@{self.BASEADDTABLE[segment]}\n'
                hackCode += f'A=D+M\n'
                hackCode += f'D=M\n'
            elif segment == 'temp' :                    # temp
                hackCode += f'@{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
                hackCode += f'@5\n'
                hackCode += f'A=D+A\n'
                hackCode += f'D=M\n'
            elif segment == 'pointer' :                 # pointer
                hackCode += f'@{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
                hackCode += f'@3\n'
                hackCode += f'A=D+A\n'
                hackCode += f'D=M\n'        
            elif segment == 'static' :
                hackCode += f'@{inputFileName[:-3]}.{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=M\n'
            elif segment == 'var' :                     # 추가 function call 기능을 위해 branch 추가
                hackCode += f'@{str(index)}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=M\n'

            hackCode += '// push to stack\n'
            hackCode += '@SP\n'
            hackCode += 'A=M\n'
            hackCode += 'M=D\n'
            hackCode += '@SP\n'
            hackCode += 'M=M+1\n'

        elif commandType == COMMANDTYPE['C_POP'] :
            hackCode = '// pop from stack\n'
            hackCode += '@SP\n'
            hackCode += 'M=M-1\n'
            hackCode += '@SP\n'
            hackCode += 'A=M\n'
            hackCode += 'D=M\n'
            hackCode += f'@popTmp\n'    # popTmp1: 스택의 값 저장
            hackCode += f'M=D\n'

            hackCode += f'// put {segment} {index}\n'
            if segment in self.BASEADDTABLE.keys() :    # local, argument, this, that
                hackCode += f'@{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
                hackCode += f'@{self.BASEADDTABLE[segment]}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=D+M\n'
            elif segment == 'temp' :                    # temp
                hackCode += f'@{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
                hackCode += f'@5\n'
                hackCode += f'D=D+A\n'
            elif segment == 'pointer' :                 # pointer
                hackCode += f'@{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
                hackCode += f'@3\n'
                hackCode += f'D=D+A\n'
            elif segment == 'static' :                  # static
                hackCode += f'@{inputFileName[:-3]}.{index}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n' 
            elif segment == 'var' :                     # 추가 function call 기능을 위해 branch 추가
                hackCode += f'@{str(index)}\n'
                hackCode += f'D=A\n'

            hackCode += f'@popTmp2\n'   # popTmp2: 저장 목표 장소의 주소 저장
            hackCode += f'M=D\n'

            hackCode += f'@popTmp\n'
            hackCode += f'D=M\n'

            hackCode += f'@popTmp2\n'
            hackCode += f'A=M\n'
            hackCode += f'M=D\n'


    def writeInit(self) :
        hackCode = f'// Bootstrap\n'
        hackCode += f'@256\n'
        hackCode += f'D=A\n'
        hackCode += f'@SP\n'
        hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        hackCode += f'@0\n'
        hackCode += f'D=A\n'
        inputTmpSegment = ['LCL', 'ARG', 'THIS', 'THAT']
        for i in inputTmpSegment :
            hackCode += f'D=D-1\n'
            hackCode += f'@{i}\n'
            hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        self.writeCall('Sys.init', 0)

    def writeLabel(self, label) :
        hackCode = f'// define label\n'
        hackCode += f'({label})\n'

    def writeGoto(self, label) :
        hackCode = f'// goto command\n'
        hackCode += f'@{label}\n'
        hackCode += f'0;JMP\n'

    def writeIf(self, label) :
        hackCode = '// if-goto command\n'
        hackCode += '// pop from stack\n'
        hackCode += '@SP\n'
        hackCode += 'M=M-1\n'
        hackCode += 'A=M\n'
        hackCode += 'D=M\n'
        hackCode += f'@{label}\n'
        hackCode += f'D;JNE\n'
    # localNum번 push 0을 수행 
    def writeFunction(self, name, localNum) :
        self.f.write('// function start\n')
        for _ in range(int(localNum)) :
            self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'], 'constant', 0)
    def writeCall(self, name, argNum) :
        global inputFileName
        returnAddress = inputFileName[:-3] + '$ret.' + str(self.returnAddressIndex)
        self.returnAddressIndex += 1
        self.f.write('// push returnAddress\n')
        self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'], 'constant', str(returnAddress));
        self.f.write('// push LCL, ARG, THIS, THAT\n')
        self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'], 'var', 'LCL');
        self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'], 'var', 'ARG');
        self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'], 'var', 'THIS');
        self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'], 'var', 'THAT');
        hackCode = f'// ARG = SP - 5 - nArgs\n'
        hackCode += f'@SP\n'
        hackCode += f'A=M\n'
        for _ in range(int(argNum) + 5) :
            hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
        hackCode += f'D=A\n'
        hackCode += f'@ARG\n'
        hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        hackCode += f'// LCL = SP\n'
        hackCode += f'@SP\n'
        hackCode += f'D=M\n'
        hackCode += f'@LCL\n'
        hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        hackCode += f'// goto functionName\n'
        hackCode += f'@{name}\n'
        hackCode += f'0;JMP\n'
        hackCode += f'// (returnAddress)\n'
        hackCode += f'({returnAddress})\n'

    def writeReturn(self) :
        hackCode = f'// endFrame=LCL\n'
        hackCode += f'@LCL\n'
        hackCode += f'D=M\n'
        hackCode += f'@endFrame\n'
        hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        hackCode += f'// retAddr = *(endFrame - 5)\n'
        hackCode += f'A=M-1\n'
        hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
        hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
        hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
        hackCode += f'A=A-1\n'
        hackCode += f'D=M\n'
        hackCode += f'@retAddr\n'
        hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        hackCode += f'// *ARG = pop()\n'
        self.writePushPop(COMMANDTYPE['C_POP'], 'argument', 0)
        hackCode = f'// SP = ARG + 1\n'
        hackCode += f'@ARG\n'
        hackCode += f'D=M\n'
        hackCode += f'@SP\n'  
        hackCode += f'M=D+1\n'
        inputTmpSegment = ['THAT', 'THIS', 'ARG', 'LCL']
        for i in range(len(inputTmpSegment)) :
            hackCode += f'// {inputTmpSegment[i]} = *(endFrame - {i + 1})\n'
            hackCode += f'@endFrame\n'
            hackCode += f'M=M-1\n'
            hackCode += f'A=M\n' 
            hackCode += f'D=M\n'
            hackCode += f'@{inputTmpSegment[i]}\n'
            hackCode += f'M=D\n'
        hackCode += f'// goto retAddr\n'
        hackCode += f'@retAddr\n'
        hackCode += f'A=M\n'
        hackCode += f'0;JMP\n'

        hackCode += f'// function end\n'

def processFileName() :
    global outputFileName
    global targetDirectory

    argTool = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    argTool.add_argument('directoryName', type=str, help="Enter directory name")
    args = argTool.parse_args()
    args = args.directoryName
    fileList = os.listdir(args)
    for i in fileList :
        filename, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(args + '/' + i)
        if fileExtension == '.vm' :
    targetDirectory = args
    outputFileName = (vmFileList[0][:-3] \
        if len(vmFileList) == 1 and vmFileList[0] != 'Sys.vm' \
        else args) + '.asm'

# drives the process
def main() :
    global vmFileList
    global inputFileName
    global outputFileName

    codeWriter = CodeWriter()
    for oneFile in vmFileList :
        inputFileName = oneFile
        parser = Parser()
        print(f'input: {inputFileName}, output: {outputFileName}')
        while True :
            if parser.parser(codeWriter) == -1:
                print(f'[File "{inputFileName}" Translate Complete]')
            codeWriter.f.write(f'//// {parser.line} ////\n')

            if parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_ARITHMETIC'] :
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_POP'] \
                or parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_PUSH'] :
                codeWriter.writePushPop(parser.type, parser.arg1, parser.arg2)
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_LABEL'] :
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_GOTO'] :
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_IF'] :
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_FUNCTION'] :
                codeWriter.writeFunction(parser.arg1, parser.arg2)
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_CALL'] :
                codeWriter.writeCall(parser.arg1, parser.arg2)
            elif parser.type == COMMANDTYPE['C_RETURN'] :
            print(f'종류: {parser.type}, 파라미터 {parser.arg1} {parser.arg2}')
    print(f'[All File Translate Complete : "{outputFileName}"]')

if __name__=="__main__":

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